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Laser cutting nozzle heating causes and solutions

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Laser cutting nozzle heating causes and solutions


1, laser cutting machine cutting when the laser nozzle hot: laser cutting nozzle is always burning what is the reason

Laser nozzle burned, and the material has nothing to do with the processing accuracy is not enough. In particular, the concentricity is not enough, on the one hand, the laser beam will hit the inner cone of the laser, burning the nozzle; the smaller the diameter of the nozzle, the higher the requirements for concentricity. The most common 1, 5mm single-layer nozzle, concentricity is generally 0, can be used normally, double-layer for 0, but many domestic processing plants to do the concentricity of the nozzle are in the 0, 05 or more. Some companies have a double layer nozzle, concentricity of more than 1, 0mm, the naked eye can almost see is crooked!

2, laser cutting machine cutting laser nozzle heating: laser cutting copper nozzle heating is normal?

Normal. The principle of laser cutting copper nozzle is to use the high focus of the laser, the energy is very concentrated and produces a temperature that exceeds the melting point of copper to cut. According to this cutting principle, fever is normal.

3, laser cutting machine cutting when the laser nozzle hot: laser cutting machine copper nozzle hot how to deal with

Laser cutting machine copper mouth hot, it is recommended to use a water chiller to cool it down. Ensure that the laser cutting machine is running normally.

4, laser cutting machine cutting laser nozzle hot: laser cutting head temperature is high what is going on

The high temperature of the optical head means that the surface of the stone is dirty and dusty on it.

There is also a possibility that the vacuum inside the laser head is broken, the air is heated by the laser inside.

The way to check is to turn on the laser cutting for a short time. If the head is hot after turning it off, clean it with lens paper and computer screen cleaner and wait for it to dry.

If the whole head is hot, it means the vacuum is damaged, you need to replace the seal and re-vacuum, usually need to return to the factory.

If the laser head generates a lot of heat, remember not to continue cutting.

Laser cutting nozzle heating causes.

1, the laser nozzle cooling air (cooling water) is not open? Whether to meet the requirements.

2, the laser focusing optical path may have shifted, part of the laser irradiation to the nozzle.

3, the laser nozzle aperture part of the blockage, or pollution.

Laser cutting machine nozzle heating, you can take the following measures to solve respectively.

1, check whether the cooling air is turned on, not turned on.

2, check whether the focus is correct, incorrectly adjusted.

3, check whether the nozzle is clogged, clogged on the cleaning.

4, do not work continuously for a long time, and let the equipment cool down regularly.


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